4 Ways Your Pricing Spreadsheet is Failing You
The world’s largest banks report that more than half of their annual revenue is generated by their commercial lines of business. Across the industry, commercial loans make up more than 43% of bank loan portfolios.
Commercial pricing – your ability to win and broaden client relationships through negotiating and structuring commercial loans, as well as cross-selling additional products – is central to your commercial bank’s performance and risk profile. Yet the vital cog at the center of that all-important asset is … a spreadsheet?
Most banks are content to stay with spreadsheet technology that’s changed little in the last quarter century because, frankly, it’s cheap. While that may be true initially, the shortcomings of spreadsheets cost your bank dearly, every day.
In Q2’s new eBook “4 Ways Your Pricing Spreadsheet is Failing You” we explore the how pricing spreadsheets are costing you every day in the areas of:
Banker Coaching
Risk Mitigation
A pricing spreadsheet isn’t something banks can’t afford to replace. It’s something they can’t afford to keep.
PrecisionLender is now officially part of the “one Q2” brand.