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Issue 19 • November 2021
Richard O'Halloran, an Irish aviation leasing professional, has been prevented from leaving China since March 2019. O'Halloran went to China on a five-day working trip to visit investors of his employer, the Dublin-based China International Aviation Leasing Service, whose owner was in jail. Today he finds himself in the middle of a row about a leased aircraft linked to the jailed company owner. Why has he been prevented from returning home?
Plus, we’ve commissioned in-depth country features on Germany, the Balkans and France. How have their respective asset finance sectors responded to the challenges Covid-19 in the last quarter of 2021 and the resurgence of new variants of the disease as a new year approaches?
Editor |Alejandro Gonzalez
Designer | Marzia Del Gaone
Publisher | Susanne Hauner
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West
Sales Manager |Stephen O'Loan
+44 (0)207 866 9420

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